Yassini Girls is now on Goodreads!

Dear all, The release of Yassini Girls is scheduled for July 15 2024. It is now added on Goodreads so don’t forget to order your copy and add it to your list! Yassini Girls on goodreads Blurb In an ancient house behind stone walls in the Old City of Jerusalem, an unexpected phone call reignitesContinueContinue reading “Yassini Girls is now on Goodreads!”

Palestine Museum US: Madafeh – Book Talk with British Palestinian author Shereen Malherbe about her upcoming novel Yassini Girls.

Sunday May 19, 2024 at 12:00 PM US EDT; 19:00 Palestine; 18:00 Europe; 17:00 UK Madafeh – Book Talk with British Palestinian author Shereen Malherbe about her upcoming novel Yassini Girls. Blurb In an ancient house behind stone walls in the Old City of Jerusalem, an unexpected phone call reignites a past Fatima has longContinueContinue reading “Palestine Museum US: Madafeh – Book Talk with British Palestinian author Shereen Malherbe about her upcoming novel Yassini Girls.”