Join us on Islam Channel tonight to talk about my new Palestinian novel, Yassini Girls- 7pm UK time

You can hear about my journey to writing, Yassini Girls as I join host, Majid Khan tonight on Islam Channel’s lifestyle show. Yassini Girls will be published July 2024, but you can order your copy now via Beacon Books! Have a question or want to get your book club involved? Email me:

Palestine Museum US Madafeh-New Palestinian novel Book Event-Yassini Girls

Dear all, For those of you missed the live Book Event at Palestine Museum US, where I discussed my latest novel, Yassini Girls, you can catch up and watch it here. It includes a first ever read aloud of excerpts of the novel that will be published July 2024. It was a pleasure to beContinueContinue reading “Palestine Museum US Madafeh-New Palestinian novel Book Event-Yassini Girls”

Palestine Museum US: Madafeh – Book Talk with British Palestinian author Shereen Malherbe about her upcoming novel Yassini Girls.

Sunday May 19, 2024 at 12:00 PM US EDT; 19:00 Palestine; 18:00 Europe; 17:00 UK Madafeh – Book Talk with British Palestinian author Shereen Malherbe about her upcoming novel Yassini Girls. Blurb In an ancient house behind stone walls in the Old City of Jerusalem, an unexpected phone call reignites a past Fatima has longContinueContinue reading “Palestine Museum US: Madafeh – Book Talk with British Palestinian author Shereen Malherbe about her upcoming novel Yassini Girls.”

Islamophobia: Khaled A. Beydoun.

Islamophobia has spiraled into a global menace, and democratic and authoritarian regimes alike have deployed it as a strategy to persecute their Muslim populations. With this book, Khaled A. Beydoun details how the American War on Terror has facilitated and intensified the network of anti-Muslim campaigns unfolding across the world. The New Crusades is theContinueContinue reading “Islamophobia: Khaled A. Beydoun.”