Join us on Islam Channel tonight to talk about my new Palestinian novel, Yassini Girls- 7pm UK time

You can hear about my journey to writing, Yassini Girls as I join host, Majid Khan tonight on Islam Channel’s lifestyle show. Yassini Girls will be published July 2024, but you can order your copy now via Beacon Books! Have a question or want to get your book club involved? Email me:

Yassini Girls- A true Palestinian story that ricochets between generations.

My Amu & my Tata with me as a young girl in Ariyha, Palestine That’s me. A Yassini Girl Dear readers, It is not with any fanfare that I announce my upcoming novel, Yassini Girls because of the devastating ongoing genocide in Gaza; a genocide that follows the systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestinians that hasContinueContinue reading “Yassini Girls- A true Palestinian story that ricochets between generations.”