Yassini Girls is now on Goodreads!

Dear all,

The release of Yassini Girls is scheduled for July 15 2024. It is now added on Goodreads so don’t forget to order your copy and add it to your list!


In an ancient house behind stone walls in the Old City of Jerusalem, an unexpected phone call reignites a past Fatima has long buried. Thousands of miles away in the British countryside, a family heirloom buried beneath an attic floor forces Layla to journey into the darkest parts of Palestinian history. Separated by distance and time, the lives of these two women are stitched together in a way neither of them could have imagined.

Yassini Girls is a multi-generational novel that explores trauma, belonging, and preserving tradition against all odds to secure our present. Based on the author’s own experience following a BBC documentary film, Yassini Girls reminds us how our past will always be part of our future.

Shereen Malherbe is a British Palestinian author and English Literature graduate. She is a writer and researcher featured in the Media Diversified experts directory, known for her work with various organizations and her TV appearances discussing Palestine, literature, and Muslim women’s representation.

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Published by Shereen Malherbe

Shereen Malherbe is a writer & author. Her novel, Jasmine Falling has been voted as one of the top 20 Best Books by Muslim women. Her second contemporary fiction novel, The Tower, is now used as academic set text in a US university. Her migrant children's book series, The Girl Who Slept Under The Moon was followed in 2022 with, The Girl Who Stitched the Stars. Her short story, The Cypress Tree has been published in World Literature Today's landmark edition on Palestine Voices. Her latest novel, a Palestinian reimagining of Jane Eyre, The Land Beneath the Light has been nominated alongside her children's book, for the Palestine Book Awards 2022. Her upcoming novel, Yassini Girls will be published July 2024.

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