Podcast A Tribute to Palestine: A Journey through Writing and Advocacy

I had the opportunity to be part of a podcast for Make A Difference Upskills this week.

With the ongoing genocide in Gaza our brothers and sisters in Palestine are at the forefront of our mind so our podcast session is a tribute to Palestine.

We discuss my writing on Palestine, from my debut novel, to my upcoming releases, to why I also wrote my children’s series. We talk about the critiques, pitfalls and uplifting moments on writing about Occupation.

We also explore my journey from my appearance in the BBC documentary The Holy Land and Us, about my family’s links to the Nakba in 1948, Palestine and how that led to my latest novel about the journey, Yassini Girls. We also talk about why sharing and preserving Palestinian narratives is more important than ever.

As we continue to strive to use whatever means we have at our disposal to help, we discuss some ways and the importance of keeping this up.

You can listen here and also access other podcasts from Make a Difference Upskills Series.

If you want to get involved, either through sharing Palestinian narratives via your scoial network or book clubs, please get in touch.

You can check out my latest book list here.

We hope you enjoy the conversation.

Published by Shereen Malherbe

Shereen Malherbe is a writer & author. Her novel, Jasmine Falling has been voted as one of the top 20 Best Books by Muslim women. Her second contemporary fiction novel, The Tower, is now used as academic set text in a US university. Her migrant children's book series, The Girl Who Slept Under The Moon was followed in 2022 with, The Girl Who Stitched the Stars. Her short story, The Cypress Tree has been published in World Literature Today's landmark edition on Palestine Voices. Her latest novel, a Palestinian reimagining of Jane Eyre, The Land Beneath the Light has been nominated alongside her children's book, for the Palestine Book Awards 2022. Her upcoming novel, Yassini Girls will be published July 2024.

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